Loved this so much - the card pull really resonated with me. No feeling is final - is just what I needed to read after a challenging week.

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Stagnant. A feeling I named just earlier today, to myself. This couldn't have come at a better time. Thank you.

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Ha! "mundane but life-changing"...that tool has CHANGED MY LIFE so maybe not mundane at all? And I know this isn't the point of the article (which is great as always and informative about something I was only marginally aware of), but now that you live in Portland like me, what's the secret to keeping the blowout look in this rain?!

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Love the Rilke reference! "Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror.

Just keep going. No feeling is final." (Also, just a lil typo note: I think you meant "in light of" instead of "in lieu of," since you already published this week's newsletter-- grateful to have a bonus newsletter this week instead of just one!)

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Ah thank you for catching that!!

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Loved the wisdom of this!

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This card pull was everything! No feeling is final! It’s ok to ride the adventure of life and I don’t have to control everything! Trying to burn that into my brain ❤️

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