Recipe: Slapdash Weeknight Chicken with Lots of Greens
So little prep, it practically makes itself.
I’vee somehow made it this long without ever making sheet pan chicken. After adding Sonya’s wonderful chickpeas and tofu sheet pan meal into my rotation, I realized I was missing an entire category of delicious meals. I created this recipe as an amalgamation of a few from Melissa Clark’s Dinner in One cookbook and Food52’s Dynamite Chicken, based on the ingredients I had on hand. Sharing it below, because it turned out delicious!
Move oven rack to about a third of the way down and preheat to 425° F, then prep bone-in, skin-on chicken thighs. Use poultry sheers to remove extra fat and gristle, then place on plate and pat completely dry using a paper towel. Liberally season with salt and chicken rub (I used this one), then set aside.
Cut two white or yellow onions into roughly 1-inch pieces, and add to the pan. Add a bajillion cloves of garlic (I think I used about thirty, because Costco), then some olive oil, salt, and pepper, and toss to coat. Place the chicken pieces on top and around them. Set timer for 20 minutes.
While the chicken and onion/garlic mixture roasts, prep a pound of Brussels sprouts. Trim the ends and cut them in half, then toss in some olive oil and salt.
After 20 minutes, remove the pan from the oven and add the Brussels. Cook until chicken and Brussels are cooked, about 20 minutes. Remove the chicken and check, and if the juices run clear, return oven to low broil for 3 additional minutes to crips up the skin and the Brussels. A few notes: You could add the Brussels ten minutes in, if you prefer yours a little more well done. (I like mine a bit firmer, with a slight bite to them.) I also would have added lemon to the Brussels, and roasted a few slices if I’d had it on hand! I served it with Karam’s garlic sauce because I feel the same way about garlic that Alison Romandoes about dill. Never enough!
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